Presidential Election

Hello Everyone,

Ok, here we are on the eve of one of the most important presidential elections our country has ever experienced! My greatest hope and prayer tonight is that every eligible voter has or will take the time to carefully review not only the candidates for president, but all the candidates and all the issues being presented for vote. My hope and prayer include that every eligible voter applies intense contemplation concerning what policies are truly best for our country, our states, our counties, our cities, and which candidates will best support what is truly best for our country, our states, our counties, our cities. My hope and prayer include that every eligible voter truly evaluates our candidates on their actions, their failure to act, their beliefs, their policies, and their accomplishments not relying on perceived likeability or rainbow promises to confirm their vote decision.

Using this stated criterion, my choice for President of our United States has come quite easily. I am voting for the one who kept our border a border, who helped maintain peace in our world, who achieved energy independence for our country, who kept inflation in check, and who supported our military. My values and morals will not allow me to vote for one who has assisted in the overrun of our country by illegal immigration, who has given billions of our dollars to illegal immigrants while we have citizens many who are veterans going without healthcare, lodging, and food, who has poured out billions of our dollars to a country who excels at human trafficking aka slavery, who has failed to stand strong with one of our strongest allies, who has reversed our energy independence, who has assisted to bring about out of control inflation, who allowed our secretary of defense to enforce an illegal injection on our troops, force out extremely qualified members of our troops, and implement immoral teachings in our military institutions, and who doesn’t even know where our troops are!

Yes, I would like you to vote along with me, if I didn’t think I was making the best decision but stuck by that decision I would either be an idiot or a hypocrite. Yet, if God doesn’t violate our free will in making decisions, I certainly will not even attempt such a feat. I am asking you to please carefully reflect on your decisions and ensure they are choices you will be proud to stand behind.

All of my voting decisions are based on the safety of our citizens, the sanctity of life, fiscal responsibility, and sound morals but aside from the top seats, the choices available to me may be quite different from the choices available to you. I will not elaborate more on those decisions for that reason. In case you have any doubt who I have alluded to that will be receiving my presidential vote, I am voting for President Trump and JD Vance.

Whatever the results of the election, I pray for blessings for all of us and for our country.



