4Reflection A blog to stimulate thought.

  • Presidential Election

    Hello Everyone, Ok, here we are on the eve of one of the most important presidential elections our country has ever experienced! My greatest hope and prayer tonight is that every eligible voter has or will take the time to carefully review not only the candidates for president, but all the candidates and all the…

  • Presidential Election

    Voting is a very important privilege we should all be proud to have in our wonderful country. It is a privilege that should be respected and valued. It is a privilege granted to all citizens in good standing in our country. It is a privilege that has been fought for on battlegrounds, in grassroots efforts,…

  • Presidential Election

    The issue of identity politics requires contemplation particularly in this election. Following are my thoughts on this matter. Kamala Harris is now promoting she has African heritage while minimizing her Indian heritage. I have seen evidence of her Indian heritage but have not seen evidence of her African heritage. She has attempted to speak recently…

  • Presidential Election

    Hello Everyone! Tonight, I would like to offer thoughts for your consideration concerning our Presidential Election. When you are debating who is the best choice for the leader of our country it is important to give more weight to abilities and policies than to personalities. Often times regarding professionals we wish to engage for any…

  • Hello Everyone!

    I would like to introduce you to my blog that seeks to encourage more thought, more conversation, and more research when deducing opinions and taking a stance on issues. The intent is not to bend your thinking to mine but to provide an angle you might not have considered prior to this post which will…